Astor-Bannerman had a chance to speak to the people of Bromsgrove recently at their celebratory event to mark the 5th anniversary of their town centre Changing Places toilet facility.

Their Changing Places opened in August 2009 as part of their toilet block refurbishment and became the 93rd UK Changing Places.  Since then an additional 571 have been registered bringing current total to 664 (as of August 2014).


We were lucky enough to be involved in the event in Bromsgrove with Aveso Ltd and had the chance to speak to some of the people who regularly use the Changing Places toilet.  We were told that over 100 people and their carers now benefit from regular use of their facility which has greatly improved their lives and it was truly great to see how proud everyone is of their accessible facility.


When talking to Changing Places users on the day, we asked,

Why are Changing Places important to you?

Where would you like to see a Changing Places?

Here’s what the people of Bromsgrove had to say



You can join the discussion on Twitter today and give us your opinion using #YourChangingPlaces @AstorBannerman

If you are interested in finding out more about how Astor-Bannerman can help with your Changing Places, contact us today


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